So as I reflect over the last several days of SAHM bliss, I was thinking there wasn't a whole lot of bliss, rather, BICKER. So rather than post all of that, which is non-edifying and non-helpful, I will now be POSITIVE and CHEERFUL.
Having typed the above, I paused for a full 30 seconds to reflect.
I remember a quote from Nero Wolfe, I forget which novel, in which The Rotund One says (paraphrase) an optimist is perpetually disappointed. The pessimist is always pleasantly surprised.
So I guess I need to be more pessimistic about things.
On Sunday following the morning service I was talking with a lady, who in an offhanded way said that a friend had given her a newspaper clipping re: a local classical choir seeking new members. The friend told her, jokingly, she needed to join the choir and get a life. They meet Monday evenings at Aylen Jr. High. HEY! that's MY neighborhood. **I** need a life! So I phenagled the information from her and called up the director.
So last night I went to my first rehearsal with the South Sound Classical Choir. They do "real" music there! OOOOO! and I get to SING and not have to PLAY! OOOOOOOOOO! And it's CHALLENGING, not hokey! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
And yes, the other lady came too and she also joined. So I have a Monday night outing now.
Must rework schedule for cleaning Dr J's though; I must say being out from 1-5, then again from 7-9 is not a good thing for my poor dear husband. Will try to do cleaning in AM, then homeschool in the afternoon, then sing in the evening.
```````````````````````````long time break inserted here; disciplinary issue. Resolved, yes; but a continuation of how this day has gone.
Argh!! I need to be more pessimistic about things! :)
Where did I put it?
2 weeks ago
That choir sounds like fun! I'm in our church choir, and I'm glad they don't kick me out. LOL They need volume more than people singing in tune, I guess. ROFL
heehee, well we only have 7 ppl in our church choir and every WEEK between one and three of them do not come. it's very interesting trying to practice when anywhere from 40-85% of your choir does not show.
Makes me wonder if it is worth it, still, my job is to be faithful, regardless. :) "Moreover, in stewards it is required that a (wo)man be found faithful" -- and if that doesn't convince me, there's always Dr. Seuss, "An elephant's faithful, 100 percent!" (tongue firmly planted in cheek, please do NOT think I am equating Seuss with the Word of God!!!!)
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