Monday, May 14, 2007

I wanna talk about "meme" ---(7 random things about me)

Eep! I got tagged by Sarah-girl. The rules state that I am supposed to name seven people at the end of this meme to replicate the process, creating a ponzi scheme of memes, going viral.... but I, as always, take exception to The Rules and will not force you to participate. But I always like to know factoids about people so please leave a comment if you DO participate in this meme.

7 Random Things about Me:

  1. Banana should never be a flavor in anything. Ever. Dittos to watermelon. I do, however, enjoy REAL bananas, as long as they are still slightly green. Age spots--out they go. (This may be a problem for me personally as I grow older...must ponder this more.)
  2. I hate driving in the rain. This makes life in the Pacific Northwest a bit of a challenge at times.
  3. I wrecked my fiance's car THE DAY before he was going to drive it to Washington State from South Carolina. (Hence the reason behind #2) He was able to get a much better one and drive it instead.
  4. Hair must be attached to your head. If it is loose and floating around, or matted in shower drains, I will physically gag. I also get the willies when guys have a carpet of chest and/or back hair.
  5. The worst restaurant ever was in Gardiner, Montana, where some creatively disgruntled cook took and wrapped his/her hair around a french fry 39 times, fried it in oil, and served it with a pile of other fries to our table of hungry youth group kids returning from a missions trip. I ended up leaving the table and wandering around the gift shop for the remainder of the meal. (This is a reflection of #4 but worthy of its own point).
  6. There is nothing more appropriate to finish a warm summer's day than a bowl of strawberries and cream.
  7. My grandmother named me. My first name for her beloved country, my middle name after herself. Oh no, she wasn't vain.

If you're reading this--I'd love to see some randomizing from you! BUT I refuse to manipulate or coerce you. ;)


Christy said...

I am in complete and total agreement with the hair thought! I HATE hair anywhere but on the head. I HATE it a few months after you have a baby and more hair than is actually on your head is falling out.

I would like to do this meme, but am not sure I can come up with 7 random things. I'll let you know.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree about the banana and melon thing.

Lol you would have hated what my hubby had to do this weekend, unclog the bath drain as it had become clogged by [brace yourself] hair.

Thanks for joining in. :)

Anonymous said...

I think the only one I didn't really know about was your name.

Do like bananas "green" too. Hate watermelon.

Don't gag around hair being in the *****. =D

Probably won't do the meme though...

Annecourager said...

yeah rebecca, it's hard to come up with original things about myself. I am a vanilla latte in human form.

Maybe I could post about the time we found your car?

But that was more an Andy/Richard thing. I just happened to be around with Ruthanne when it happened.

Anonymous said...

thinking know ruthie has a blog now, right? she has few pictures at the bottom. =)