This week was a rather pleasant one, albeit hectic. Gma K was visiting us from MI, and the dear soul didn't want to add to my workload so she took us out for dinner frequently this week. She left this morning.
Today it was a blessing to make brownies and stromboli. Weird combo, but who cares.
Today we also went to the NW Captive Breeders Expo: Turtles, snakes, lizards, and other animals termed "exotic" by the powers that be. A walked out of there with two hatchling wood turtles, the final result of a trade that happened back in August. D was rather disappointed he did not get a snake; we told him there would need to be much more responsibility on his part before we'd consider it. I was noticing that the clientele of the expo was much more "mainstream" than in years previous: it used to be only freaking weirdos that came to these things. That element is still there, but there are many more average Americans attending now.
This afternoon was profitable as well; I planted some summer-flowering bulbs Audra had given me, cleaned out my planter baskets and barrels, and varnished Andy's outside office door. The kids went over to the park to play - a first, because they went together, without us along. The rules were to stay together, don't get wet, and be home in an hour.
After a while A and I realized we never looked to see what time it was when we sent them out, nor did either of the kids have on a watch. We walked over to the park to retrieve them, and met them as they themselves were wandering home.
Responsibility! I like it.
I'm also reading a fair bit of books lately; mostly in the YA age group. I finally read Holes by Louis Sachar. A well-crafted book. Ties up all the loose ends neatly, and overall a very good story. I have no idea how the movie based on this book turned out, though.
I also read Rodzina by Karen Cushman of The Midwife's Apprentice fame. She lives on Vashon now! Wow, a Newbery author, practically a neighbor. Anyway....... I thought this one was pretty good. Much better than her Matilda Bone or The Ballad of Lucy Whipple. Rodzina is a girl who was sent on the orphan train from Chicago to The West to find a family. Very interesting, and it tugged my heart a bit. Ms. Cushman always does her homework; there's nearly always a long list of resources she used at the end of each of her novels.
I was very disappointed in Sharon Creech's Absolutely Normal Chaos. I loved Walk Two Moons, but ANC was just......mediocre. A girl's junior high diary ramblings. It tries to be meaningful in the story of Carl Ray, but it never really touches the emotions. It depicts the ups and downs of junior high romance in a stilted, cliche way. It tries to be funny with the creative ways that Mary Lou tries to abridge her language after she is forbidden to say "God, " "stupid," or "stuff," but ends up being borderline blasphemous with her altering her swearing to "King of Kings," "Alpha and Omega," "Deity" and the like.
Though I must admit to enjoying her substitute for "stuff": quintessence.
Anyway. I have 3 more books (I think?) to read before next library day, and they're a series all from Jennifer Holm, who won the Newbery for Our Only May Amelia (a good book, and set here in the Pac NW)- the series is about Boston Jane, who is a "mail order" bride. I will let you know how it comes out.
OK stromboli must be about ready, and Im' sure the family is rawther hungry. adieu.
And Jennifer I am fine. Thanks for calling :)
Saturday, October 22, 2005
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Kevin and I saw Holes as well...and I haven't read the book yet; actually, I didn't realize there was a book! :)
I remember Andrea A. saying she saw the movie Holes and couldn't see what the big deal was all about. So I figured the book just had to be better. But now I'll be comparing and going "oooh, heeeey, THAT's not in there....THAT's not right..." and so forth. I do this with all movies that come from my well-loved books.
I know I will do the same thing with The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. I will harp VERY (!) LOUDLY if Disney messes with the storyline in any way, shape or form. Still, I have heard that the CS Lewis estate is very pleased with how it is staying true to the book...
I think the book Holes is better than the movie. I have read and seen both.
As to the The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe I think the did a good job. But actually it is more for kids (I think) than adults. I mean the way they have the story in segments and the music. That is the only thing I don't like. It is almost like if they put "chapters" into the movie. It is bad enough when they put an itermission - but that is just my opinion
Corene, are you talking about the LWW that the BBC did where Lucy is an ugly, fat kid with buck teeth? (sorry if she's related to anyone here, lol!) 'Coz I'm talking about the movie that's currently in production and will be out around Christmastime. Aslan looks to be CG from the previews I've seen.
Anyway, just wanted to check and see that we are on the same page--er, movie :)
Yes it was done in 1988 by BBC. Sophia Wilcox (I think that is how you spell her name) played Lucy.
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