He returned around dinnertime, hands full with his catch:

Notice the complete lack of fins and scales there?
The story runs like this: he was fishing off the dock, when a lady walking her dog came by and mentioned she had seen a guinea pig over in the brush nearby. Not only that, but she'd seen it there several weeks previously, so this little guy's been on his own in the wild for a good bit. D, having much experience with our 4 escape-prone guinea pigs, put his trapping skills to work, and soon succeeded in catching the little wheeker and bringing him home.
Now, I'm all for guinea pigs, but we already have four FEMALES. We most certainly cannot keep a male! So tomorrow he'll be going to the Foggy Creek Cavy Rescue up in Auburn, where Lisa will treat him for mites and get him on the road to recovery (he's missing a great deal of fur on his back half) and then adopt him out to another family.
I've been telling the kids not to get attached, but they've already named him Oreo. I call him Shaggy.
The kids were inspired to write about it in their own blog, which they set up yesterday. I'm keeping it private, but if you're really interested to see how my kids think and write, email me and I'll put you on the approved list. :)
So tomorrow might be traumatic for the kids. We'll see. But Oreo has got to go. I do NOT need 12 guinea pigs around here, which is what would surely happen were he to stay.
ha, ha...you aren't attached? calling him Shaggy, are you? he, he
hey, put me on the kids approval list? I'm interested. email me.
I see the pictures of D. and can't tell you how much it reminds me of C. If you put me on your approved list, I think this is something C. and I would read together and maybe they can become "blog pals."
Hey, D, email me and let me know which email to put on the "approved" list.
Doh, this is The Mom, not "scorpion and chickaboo" the kids. Too lazy to sign them out and sign me back in!
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