We betook ourselves to our garden plot, which, once The Rain comes, will become a large field of chocolate pudding, hazardous to muck boots and small children. We lost a child out there once. (We did eventually retrieve her.) So the goal was clear: harvest the harvestable. Strip the bushes of the remaining zucchini and crookneck squash. Uproot the carrots. Harvest every tomato 2" or greater in diameter; they'll ripen off the vine.
We brought three buckets and one box for corn and squash. We ended up borrowing two more buckets and using a laundry basket.
We are blessed, pressed down, shaken together and running over with tomatoes.
I beseech you, send me recipes. I only like fried green tomatoes in small batches. There's only so much relish and jam I can make.
A's job now is to find a way to set these tomatoes up so they do not go to waste while I determine what to do with them!
What would you do?

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