(I like to do memes when I have nothing original to say!) This was harvested from my friend Tammy, who harvested it from the popular mom blog Rocks in my Dryer, etc. etc., and so it goes....
Hardback or trade paperback or mass market paperback?
Amazon or brick and mortar?
Depends! Amazon is convenient, but there's just something about used book stores. A. must visit every used book store in an area, whenever we go on vacation, and I'm not usually adverse to the idea, unless we've already been to three...
Barnes & Noble or Borders?
Bookmark or dogear?
Sometimes bookmark, other times I leave it open, face down. Terrible, I know. Nero Wolfe dogears books that he doesn't consider worthy of keeping on his shelves.
Alphabetize by author or alphabetize by title or random?
Living room bookcases: Alpha by author. My personal bedroom bookcase: by subject.
Keep, throw away, or sell?
Keep! It's why I have so many bookcases around here.
Keep dustjacket or toss it?
Keep it. Do you know how valuable that will be later on? Money in the bank, my dears... ...when the book achieves "classic" status and YOU happen to have an edition with a DJ, ooh, shiny!
Read with dustjacket or remove it?
Remove it, or use the flyleaf as the bookmark. :)
Short story or novel?
Collection (short stories by same author) or anthology (short stories by different authors)?
Hm. I'm not fond of short stories. Not enough time for character development, and I'm left wanting more.
Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket?
Harry Potter has a very clear delineation of right and wrong, good and evil. Lemony Snicket is more relativistic, muddying the waters unnecessarily for the age group it's written.
Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
Chapter breaks, if I've never read the book before; when I'm tired, if I have read it before.
“It was a dark and stormy night” or “Once upon a time”?
Once upon a time.
Buy or Borrow?
New or used?
Used!!! D'you know how much money you save?
Buying choice: book reviews, recommendation or browse?
All of the above. I usually find an author I like and read everything by him/her.
Tidy ending or cliffhanger?
Tidy ending.
Morning reading, afternoon reading or nighttime reading?
Bathtub and bed.
Stand-alone or series?
If it IS a series, I like each novel to be able to stand alone.
Favorite series?
Anne of Green Gables, and the Nero Wolfe detective series.
Favorite children's book?
This is a hard one. Chrysanthemum, by Kevin Henkes
Favorite book of which nobody else has heard?
Argh, who am I to know what you've heard or not heard of?
Favorite books read last year?
Holes, by Louis Sachar, or Red Scarf Girl, by Ji-Li Jiang
Favorite books of all time?
Pride and Prejudice and Emma, both by Jane Austen.
Least favorite book you finished last year?
Princess in Pink (Vol. V of The Princess Diaries), Meg Cabot
What are you reading right now?
This morning I just finished The Lady's Confession *(formerly called Paul Faber, Surgeon), by George MacDonald.
What are you reading next?
I don't know yet!
Saturday, March 10, 2007
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I love books too. It's good to read your thoughts on the important issues regarding books :) I liked it so much, I carried the meme to my blog...
I'm pretty much amazed at the volume of books you read last year, and won't be trying to compete.
EEEP! I forgot the Chronicles of Narnia!! Ghastly oversight on my part.
And, I won't be competing with myself either, I don't think. I'm lucky to read at ALL these days, and that's squeezing the Bible in first.
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