Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The eighth thing

Rebecca nailed me to do the "8 things about me" meme, when I had already / recently completed 7. So I told her I'd think on it and try to come up with something that she didn't know.

So here it is. Number eight. woot.

8.) I can't pronounce "frontier" or "windmill" properly unless I specifically think about it in advance. Frontier I have ALWAYS pronounced "frawn-tier" because that's how I remember singing the Davy Crockett song when I was a kidlet. And windmill comes out sounding like "wind-meal"--UNLESS I stop and make myself say it right.

Yes! Eight useless facts about me!


Anonymous said...

how about roller rating skink? I have to think it through before I say it...it is roller skating rink.

3boysmama said...

I have to think before I say wolf. I end up saying "wuff". I didn't even know I said it wrong until I was in high school.