madness. just madness. The Today show is on, my father is talking, my mother is talking, my children are singing "Foood, glorious fooooooooooood," and my husband is in search of caffeinated coffee.
I need a more simple, quiet existence.
This is why the TV stays off when I am in my natural environment. I canNOT talk, listen, or think when that thing is on.
Will everyone just SHUT. UP.
Thank you. Vent over. I think.
Friday, July 20, 2007
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Hope the vent helped. Somedays I have noise and its fine and then there are the days I could throw a stone thru the tv. Living alone except for the cat I need noise. It's got to be a hormonal thing or if it stays quiet too long I get really down. need an escape pod.
I am right there with ya sister!!! Somedays are worse than others. Don't forget the video game sounds too. Hopefully, it will quiet down soon. Have a great time in Cally.
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