Thursday, December 04, 2008

the most wonderful hectic time of the year

I quit teaching piano.

Did I surprise you? Well, temporarily quit, at least. :) I will resume in January.

But honestly... what kid or family needs ONE MORE THING on his/her plate right now? At this time of year, when we're expected to focus on family, friends, togetherness, giving, sharing--I find myself wondering whether we put too many burdens on ourselves to perform to others' satisfaction. Christmas is a good thing, yes! Celebrating the Savior's birth - a good great thing! Family, friends, togetherness--good things!

But all these "good things" add up to one hefty draft on the bank account of our finite, precious TIME. Then those good things turn into so much irritation at yet another demand to fulfill --just because it's a "good thing" to do.

Simplify, simplify......

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