Wednesday, March 11, 2009

guest book review: Don Quixote

This is for Rebecca, who's been taking stabs at reading this.

D. read an abridged version of Don Quixote for school, and here's his assessment (and I quote):

"I can tell you the entire story in very few words.

He reads too many books. He becomes a nut. So then he gets a squire, and he trains his squire to become a nut. Eventually he dies because he's a nut."


Anonymous said...

You probably saw my other response already. :) I am getting there and insist on finishing it. I still want to find the movie version with John Lithgow.

Anonymous said...

All reviews should be this concise.

Will return to facebook games soon...hope I can still join in a scrabble long as you leave off those 4 letter words ;)