To borrow a line from Tom Lehrer, all the world seems in tune on a spring afternoon. (No, I did not go "poisoning pigeons in the park," but I've been humming that song all day.)
Actually had a SATURDAY today, one that counted as such - it didn't involve HAVING to run here, go there, play this, drop off that. I slept in, spent some quality time with my husband, had several cups of coffee, made bacon California roll sushi (yes indeed), weeded and edged half the rose bed (it's large), and basically enjoyed the sunshine underneath layers of 30 SPF goop.
Topping off a charming day, my friends Audra and Yulia came over with their daughters, and we sat in my backyard whilst insanity ruled among the children. We finished the day with a marshmallow roast/s'mores over A's improvised firepit: a turkey roaster purchased from the thrift store, perched on a cement block. Just plop the lid on when you're done and you're golden.
This coming week will be D's school spring break, which does not match any other school's spring break. So he'll be around for a week while most of his friends will still be in school. That' s okay though.....this means I can sleep in instead of dreading the 5:50 am alarm going off, followed by a commute on the nassssty WA167. That alone will be worth it. A. is planning a day trip or two with the kidlets (I still have lessons to teach this week) - so I will get some alone time in the house - a rare boon. I plan to use Monday to do my income taxes. (My weekends have been pretty booked up until now!) Remaining time on Monday will mean a thorough spring cleaning of the kitchen, and then some big cooking - for enjoyment, not necessity. :)
And a run, too. Still chipping away at the interval running. My right knee is occasionally talking to me with some foul language, so I'm silencing it with ibuprofen and ice; glucosamine on the odd chance that it isn't quackery; and just pressing on and exercising anyway, because it's not like it's incapacitating pain anyway. Just noticeable, and only on occasion.
I smell like firepit - a summer smell if there ever was one! - though I plan to fully enjoy this spring as a continuation of this winter. :) Make it so.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
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1 comment:
so, just finally catching up on your blog. Didn't know you were running! me too! are you up for running a 5k with me?
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