Sarah has asked some ORIGINAL questions on her blog (she's an original person :) ) and invited others to participate if they wanted to. So since my one brainwave is completely UNoriginal this fine, hot morning.... I'll just answer her questions and call it good for a blog post today!
1. Do you have a favourite Bible translation, and why?
I grew up using/memorizing from the King James Version. Didn't know there WAS another version... unless, as the pastor was fond of saying, it was a "PERversion." I still enjoy it for its flow, its poetry, and the long history I have with it. But my favorite translation is the New American Standard Bible. My husband gave it to me for a wedding present and I love to study from it. And I've even begun to re-memorize passages from it.
2. What is the best children's book that you have read with your child (or friend or relative's child) and wanted to read again just because it was just so good? Is there a book you remember with happy nostalgia from your childhood?
The Velveteen Rabbit always makes me cry. So does The Little Match Girl. For fun fun fun, I love to read Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes, or Sylvester and the Magic Pebble, um... can't remember the author.
3. Why do you blog? Is it a case of 'I blog therefore I am', is it just a hobby, or do you have a desire to spread the word or teach (etc)? ;)
I blog to record the things I too easily forget. I am not a detail person, and I don't want to look back over my life and the lives of my children with a "huh?" This way I can reread the events that mattered to me. Hm. Thinking about it... .makes my blog topics look trivial, rather Seinfeldish.
4. Jeremy Clarkson once said that: "What's wrong with global warming? We might lose Holland but there are other places to go on holiday.." you think global warming is a result of our 'carbon footprints' or do you question the validity of it? (don't worry this isn't a loaded question I won't tell you off for not believing in it or vice versa, I'm just interested).
We haven't been recording this information long enough to make a valid conclusion that This Is Global Warming. Back in the 1970's the concern was for Global Cooling and the coming Ice Age. IMO, the earth is in a rhythm where it's warmer right now. It'll eventually shift back to cooling. Again, JMO.
5. To tan or not to tan? Do you like to sunbathe/use sunbeds or do you prefer the shade?
I used to try to get a tan. Now I use SPF 30 religiously and let the freckles fall where they may. I'm fair complected and I don't want skin problems brought on by foolish decisions.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
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About the global warming thing... it's seems a little strange to me...
almost religious... you have the The profit in the form of The Goracle (algore) You are urged to repent (forgo your carbon footprint) there is a penance (purchase carbon offsets from the Goracles sham corporation) and then there is the changed life(drive a smart car or prius, scold anyone who drives an SUV) I could carry this further at the risk of marginalizing myself.
This all makes me wonder if there is something larger and darker behind this or if it's just man's sin nature and proclivities to worship the creation rather than the Creator. I do know that this seems to only have been in the obnoxiously-in-your-face forefront of the media for a little while... like when the Goracles movie-lie came out.
To paraphrase Rush Limbaugh, How can we know how many people the earth God created can support.
Also, Greenland was called Greenland for a reason... the ice sheet may be receding up there, but it is uncovering ancient Nordic settlements...
The original (and best of course) Sarah here. So pleased you joined in and I liked your answers. Interested in what zintrandi says in the second comment about Greenland. I used to ponder "why is it 'Greenland' when it is white?...and why is Iceland 'Iceland' when it should be 'Greenland'?" Because after all the ice in Iceland is not as icy as you might imagine. These and other deep and meaningful questions...
btw, why "zintradi"? thoughts immediately went to the global warming question/answer to. I don't know the answer, but it seems silly the way some people make such a fuss about it. I believe part of WI used to be a glacier (not 100% sure about that fact). But if so...hasn't "global warming" been happening for awhile?
So, "zintradi" (he, he)...your thought spawned a it better to sit still and fill our landfills and water with waste? or is it better to do as the Native Americans(and other cultures) used to do and move around and let nature rid itself of the waste? Of course, I realize we have much different waste now: plastics and such. it's a thought I've wondered about. But it made me wonder if that was more of a worship to creation rather than the Creator (what the NA's did). But at the same time...isn't that how God created the world/nature to react to waste?
Did I make sense? ha, ha.
@Cabcree... Why "Cabcree" ? ;-)
It's a misspelled reference to the Zentraide from the "Robotech" series.
I thought about changing it to the proper spelling, but it stuck.
Anyway, way to bring out the cryin indian :-)
Obviously as Christians we need to be the "good stewards" of this creation(don't be waistfull, clean up after yourslef), but the GW crowd and Enviro Activist take it to a whole new insanity filled level.It's to the point where I here Christians starting to spout the the same propaganda On a regular basis (with a few being in my small group that listen to as much NPR as I do KVI and KTTH)
cabcree = rebecca...all mixed up. =)
I don't think I go crazy over trying to be a good steward with being good to this creation, but through this "whining" I do understand some of things I could do better.
Okay, Richard and Sarah, I do know the answer to why "Greenland" is Greenland: Eric the Red's propaganda to get people to leave Iceland for Greener Pastures. The people were tricked, though, because Greenland is colder than Iceland.
That said, though, Andy tells me that they used to raise not just meat animals, but also grow crops and things on the SW coast of Greenland--something that it's currently impossible to do, WHY? BECAUSE it's TOO COLD.
so....Global Cooling? Or just a cyclic trend that the Biosphere goes through?
BTW, enjoyed your comments on the quasi-religiousness of the earth worshippers.
Rebecca, I just have to step in here and destroy your idealized Native Americans....when we traveled in AZ to the Hopi reservation on Second Mesa, they apparently regard every cliff as a natural dump drop-off spot. Unwanted sofas, washing machines, refrigerators....just haul it to the edge of the mesa and let 'er go. So much for living in harmony with the land.
What people call 'archaeological finds' today, the Indians called 'trash' then. 500 years from now it'll be just the same. :)
Sofas, refrigerators...that sounds recent. I'm talking about before they were, how shall I put it, "domesticated" (such a nasty word).
I'm sure not all Native American cultures moved around, but I do know that some did. If nothing else it was probably because it was too cold to stay in one area in the winter so it was warmer elsewhere, but there they couldn't grow crops (or whatever) so they moved back to whereever else.
I'm no Native American expert, but from my limited seems that once NAs didn't fight anymore they kind of gave up on a lot of things. But I could totally be way off base too! Like I said, limited vision.
Well now I didn't know that...sneaky ol' Eric the Red. That'd be like calling England 'Sunnyland' in order to get more visitors, lol.
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