Today I sat in the van while my kids were in swimming lessons. It was quiet, sunny, warm. I'm knitting a chemo cap for Aunt Rose of a lovely, soft merino wool the shade of plum. As the van--and I!-- basked in the sun, I heard a buzz from the rear of the cabin. Turning around, sure enough, I saw a fat yellow jacket bipping against the window, trying to escape to the outside. Sighing, I put down my knitting, opened the window on the sliding door, and shooed him outside to where he belonged.
I resumed my knitting and basking in the sun...when I heard that sound again. "Bzzzzz...bip...bip...bipbip....bzzzzzz." I turned around again. Another one! I popped the hatch, slid the door, and opened the front side door to give him all possible avenues of escape. I flapped him out the back hatch, and he promptly flew around to the side panel door and landed... on the inside. If I closed the door, he'd be right back where he started! I grabbed a newspaper and went to work, guiding him to freedom and Life Outdoors. He was having none of it. He flew back into the cabin, landing on a wreath of fall leaves I had in the back. I set the wreath outside. Go, little bee, go. And indeed, he left the wreath... and flew back into the cabin of the van. AUGH!
Finally he landed on the open passenger door, at the opening for the latch. He crawled inside the hole. I waited for a few minutes to see if he'd come out... then figured I could probably kill him if I slammed the door shut. I'd already tried to rescue him enough, and he was keeping me from my knitting, after all, so , WHAM!
Peace and quiet once again.
I'd been sitting and knitting for maybe 5 minutes when I heard another low buzzing sound. Feeling rather like I was in some Candid Camera show at this point, I jumped up and out of my seat, whipped open my door, and whisked that sucker out of the van. I slammed the door behind the bee, and wouldn't you know, it turned around and landed on the window of the van, clearly seeming to want back IN?
I'm sure the other people sitting in the parking lot waiting for THEIR kids to be done swimming were amused at my antics: jumping out, running around the van, opening and slamming doors, waving a newspaper (the comics page, of course) around my head, talking to unseen creatures. I was rather amused myself... but it was getting old, and I wanted to sit and knit and be warm, not have to deal with buzzing critters that sting.
Eventually the bee on the window flew off, presumably to join its sisters for a laugh at this stupid human. D and S returned from swimming, and we started home. We were about halfway there when I heard a quavering "Mooooommm....there's a hornet back here..."
I rolled my eyes. I can't win!
We opened the windows. It sufficed to keep the bee blown to the back of the van until we pulled into the driveway, where I popped the hatch, and shooed yet another bee to freedom.
So now I'm a little paranoid about whether the bees have built a hive in the van, or if they were merely hitchhikers on the wreath that Mr. Jones gave me at church Sunday. You never can tell with bees.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
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Oh my goodness...too funny. Well, not for you, I guess, but still...LOL
LOL ROTF SMK UR2Funny - I heard the same story at the beehive (just a different perspective).
By the way, I have blogged!!!
It come back to the blog world right when I leave it. It was great to come over here (not necessarily expecting a new post), and to find several.
So I want to say...I am fond of quoting Winnie-the-Pooh. And I love Fiddler (which you quoted a few posts ago). I'm forced to wonder if we aren't, in fact, kindred spirits.
Also, I'd take bees on the wreath over a bee-hive in the car.
The wreath is now on the front porch, and the van is now presumably bee-less. I didn't really go anywhere yesterday except Fred Meyer to get some last-minute groceries, and no bees made an appearance!
Diane: *golf clapping* You spend your life in front of a computer screen doing your insurance things--I'm so glad you've posted a post at last!! :) Enjoy all the family and give them hugs from me.
Christy, it does figure! :) And with the age of children that you have, how can you NOT be quoting Pooh? He is still beloved around here, even though my kids are getting older.
Yes, perfect strangers though we are, there is that of the kindred spirit in you! One of these days we will be in the same neck of the woods at the same time and then Santa Maria had better watch out.
What a stinker. that is too funny! i'm glad you are back to blogging. i missed your witty self.
so I saw the Lightning McQueen cake on Crystal's website - could you whip one up for me and send it on down? We're celebrating Charles' birthday on Sunday.
Oh well, I guess it's up to me to create a little boy's dream cake - I'll do what I can, but don't expect the perfection that you have obtained.
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