Sunday, January 21, 2007

I got preached at!

But for the life of me, I can't remember what was said.

While I was sitting in the Sunday sermon today, the Spirit of God was nudging me, saying...THIS IS YOU. THIS IS YOU.

Then right after the service we had the annual church polity meeting and my feeble brain did not move the information from short-term into long-term memory.

*BANGING HEAD* what a dolt I am! I should have had my notebook out.

Fortunately I happen to live with the man who preached the sermon, so I can go look at the notes and get prompted again. This frustrates me about myself. I am so mentally scattered sometimes too often!!!

Upon returning home from church, I saw this in my inbox...sent to me by a born-again Christian--a plea to forward our support for the troops in Iraq, and embedded within the email was this:

Something good will happen to you tonight at 11:11 PM. This is not a joke. Someone will either call you or will talk to you online and say that they love you. Do not break this chain.
Send this to 13 people in the next 15 minutes. Go.

THIS, my friends, is SUPERSTITION, plain and simple. Would that they would please, please, PLEASE expunge all of this tripe from the emails they forward thoughtlessly! After all, one doesn't want to appear unsupportive of the American troops (and I do support and value their sacrifice on my behalf, personally knowing several who have served over there)--BUT PLEASE. I want no part of superstitious chain emails.

This seems to be an ongoing theme of mine... email tripe. *sigh* I know that people have put up with me for years, so I need to be more understanding until they reach my *cough* level of discernment.

(tongue firmly planted in cheek--however, my sentiments on email tripe remain unchanged!)

Okay, off to find the sermon notes. No doubt I need it.


Anonymous said...

I usually get "listen Rebecca". =) Today was a good sermon on prayer. We just started trying out a new church. The month of January is about prayer.

Yes, I changed my blog. =)

Annecourager said...

Yeah, I went looking for you earlier today and got a 404 and got worried.

Annecourager said...

Soooo, are you only blogging on the Fat and Lazy blog now??

Anonymous said...

I LOVE those kind of sermons...unless they make me reaaaaallly squirm.

I agree about the chain letter/email thing. I remember getting a chain letter when I was younger and my mum had to forcibly remove it from my superstitious grip and cut it up to stop my forwarding it on in my fear, lol.

Tammy said...

Ohhhhhh, I cannot STAND those chain e-mails. They drive me BONKERS. Thankfully I don't get too many of them any more. I hate the ones that say, "If you love the Lord, send this on to 5 people", etc.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting the same thing, Only it's in our home fellowship group as we're going through the cirriculum of "the truth project" Very captivating and very deep

3boysmama said...

I could have sworn I had posted this...
I think I received the exact same email ! I am getting tired of the other "urban legend" emails about lead in lipstick, etc. Or the "pass this on to someone who needs a smile" pulease. Watching daisys in a field set to corny music won't make me smile.

BTW I updated my blog finally.