Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Socks make the world go round

This is my "make it yourself Christmas present" from Tammy!!!
I am proud of myself, yessss, preciousssss!

I MADE THESE! And I totally didn't understand what was going on when I got to the heel bit, nor about picking up stitches along the gusset, but I muddled along and with help from I DID IT!!!

*preening feathers*

They are the most lovely stripey things ever and I will never part with them!! lol

Then Audra got inspired and she made a pair of socks too-- we went to a yarn store in Tacoma and bought some lovely 100% Peruvian wool to make some socks (not scratchy!).

I'm now working on the first sock of my second pair ever. Using a pattern from Cider Moon called "Campfire Socks" because the yarn wanted to be made into a nice chunky sock.

S. has now put in her bid: "Mommy.... would you please make ME a pair of socks??" "OF COURRRRSSSE, Dahling!!"

D chimes in, "ME TOO!!"

My Dad has told me he's a size 11D.

So it will be one lovely sock knitfest around here for some time to come.


Tammy said...

OH YAY!!! Totally awesome! (LOL @ "make it yourself Christmas present") I'm so excited for you! =)

BTW, I never told you the fate of your Christmas present to me...sadly, it got confiscated as "liquid" at the airport on our flight down to California. (Crying buckets of tears!!!) I never even thought of it being a liquid when I stuck it in my carry on to "protect" it (didn't want it to break in my suitcase). Grrr.

Anyhow, loverly socks! Enjoy the world of sock knitting! =)

Annecourager said...

thankee, thankee!

And GRR at those TSA people at SeaTac!!

I know what *really* happened: They were so busy eating the chocolate sauce that they missed that 9 year old boy jumping on a Southwest flight to Texas.

Christy said...

Awesome socks! Isn't it great when the patterns work out like that? You're just knitting away thinking "I do what? And how does that work? Well, okay, but I don't know HOW that will make a sock." and then it all takes shape and voila! socks.

Anonymous said...

They are way too cool!

...I sound about 14...dude, lol.

Annecourager said...

Thanks, Christy and Sarah! My husband laughs at me (kindly) about this current sock obsession I have.

Sarah...dude, you look about 14! :)


Anonymous said...

I luv them. Great job. I am working on the foot of my second pair. It is looking lovely. This is the yarn I bought at Pacific Fabric, it is all strippy and colorful.

Annecourager said...

Audra, are we really just twisted people who would rather spend $9 or $12 on a pair of socks, plus the time making them, as opposed to $1 at Wal Mart??

OH! Talked with my father in law today, who raises sheep--and GUESS WHAT?? They know how to SPIN the WOOL they get! Ruthie, my SIL, is quite good at it, though she doesn't knit apparently. Go figure. BUT there could be some NY Oliver wool in my future!!! woohoo!


Tammy said...

Oh, that is so neat! Now you can get into dyeing your yarn too! =)