We received our 10-box shipment of school books and materials today from k12. Five boxes for D, five for S. The UPS guy just loved us, I could tell.
S. proceeds to treat it like Christmas: "Ooooh, I got FIVE BOXES!! YIPPEEE!!!" and falls to with the scissors, as I organize the chaos.
D, however, knows What This Means. School. Slimy, Gross, Nasty SCHOOL. And proceeds to offer up various and sundry snide, snarky comments, earning a total of 65 pushups (combined). Finally, having heard enough raptures from S, he goes for the personal insult:
"S, you have a brain like PLAY-DOH!!"
"A brain like Plato? Thank you very much!"
Ahh, seeing the 8 year old thus handle the 10 year old made the day sweet, very sweet, my friends.
Monday, August 13, 2007
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Oh, I remember the excitement of receiving the school books via UPS! Such wonderful fun! LOL @ Plato.
having an 8 y/o who even knows who Plato is speaks to her excellent edumacation
Hee hee @ plato comment. quite funny.
65 pushups? too funny.
I was just going to say too that having an 8 yo know about Plato...kudos to you!
True Confessions Time:
Her first exposure to Plato came from that well-known classic film line (imagine the "s" lisp):
"You've heard of Socrates? Plato? Aristotle? .....Morons."
So when we learned about the Renaissance this year, and the source material, if you will, that the Europeans based their movement upon... it was reinforced. Ohhh yeah, Plato! Socrates! Aristotle! The Morons! :)
It'll do.
and it's so...you. =)
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