After I finished up teaching piano last Wednesday, I headed over to the local bank where I had to wait in a line to make a deposit. My attention caught on the young man in front of me. As he stood there, it looked as if he had no left buttock! I was trying not to stare (who wants to be caught looking at a man's rear end?!), but really....his pants were all caved in and hanging on one side. I found myself thinking of Mad-Eye Moody chastising Harry Potter: "DON'T put your wand in your back pocket, boy! Better wizards than you have lost buttocks, you know!" Moody continues his rant quietly: "Elementary wand safety...nobody bothers with it anymore."
To distract myself from this distracting distraction I listened to the conversation taking place behind me. One of the bank workers was chatting up the man who entered after me. "Hey, Rex, how's it going? Still live on ________ Avenue" and so forth. As I eavesdropped, two things became clear to me: 1) There aren't that many people named Rex, and 2) I know one who lives on ____ Avenue. I venture a peek over my shoulder to find that it is indeed the Rex I know--the one who's Crystal's and Richard's dad. :) We exchanged small talk for a bit until it was my turn to see the teller. So Rex asked me if I knew about the upcoming joy anticipated by the Nuclear Microsoft Family--and the crazy thing is, I honestly thought I did. For some reason I wasn't surprised, and said, oh yeah, I knew about it. But Crystal hadn't said anything yet on her blog!!
So, like the Chinese emperor who had a nightingale, I guess a little bird told me.
Meanwhile I completely missed seeing the man in front of me walk up to the teller so I could more closely observe his supposed missing buttock.
Anyway, a new baby is more interesting. Many congratulations to Crystal, Aaron, Joel and Micah! (And the extended family too!)
Monday, May 07, 2007
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That is too funny! Maybe I mentioned that we wanted another one, so in your head you took that as me already prego? Or maybe my brother mentioned it??
Yeah, i think you had pretty much thrown out into the ether that your familly planning did not involve just two children, i wasn't suprised or taken aback either. do wonder if your house is running out of rooms though?
Hahahaha do you need prayer/ministry for buttock watching? ;)
P.s I like the little graphic on your side bar "come to the darkside, we have cookies"
When we get an email or a comment on my blog Yoda's voice says "Message from the darkside there is" :)
Sorry to hijack your blog, erin...
we plan to have micah and joel share a room. They won't mind until they are teenagers. By then maybe we will add on, or be in a different house. Who knows? Micah had a good idea. He said we could move down stairs to the study and joel could have our room, then the baby could take joel's room. Very creative!
Ooh, Sarah, I need that message from Yoda!!
I got the graphic from one of those little quizzes we all love to take.. I think it was "what bumper sticker are you?" and it cracked me up so much I delinked it and stole the image for my sidebar.
Doh! Did I just admit that publicly?
Crystal, you can always convert your garage and sleep out there. :)
ooo thief!
I've sent you that Yoda tune as an attachment via email, hope it comes through OK. If you see an email from Gary H it's not from Gary H it's from me I sent it from our main email account rather than my blogging yahoo one due to laziness.
Hello 'tis moi again. I've tagged you to do a meme, hope you can join in.
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