Andy now tells me he has empathy with me. Not
sympathy, but empathy.
I have no voice at all today. What does come out is a dry, raspy squeak rather like an ancient playground's merry-go-round. So why bother talking?
Two reasons:
- Son, and
- Daughter.
Have you any idea how much a mom
needs a voice?? It's been a rainy day today; kids are stuck inside and driving each other crazy, and my trying to control them by the power of my voice is laughable. Rather like David attempting to kill Goliath with a well-slung marshmallow.
I've been drinking tons of water and herbal tea the last several days and resting my voice as much as possible, but it has only worsened. Oh, and did I mention I have concerts this coming Friday and Saturday night with the South Sound Classical Choir? Not to worry. (Mantra, must repeat this to myself continuously over the next few days if things do not improve.)
Well, after all, which of us, by worrying, can add "a cubit to our stature" ? So therefore, I will not worry about my voice being gone. My Heavenly Father knows I have need of this thing! ;O)

On the plus side, I did a graduation cake this morning/afternoon; the people will be here any minute to pick it up. I've known Alexandra since she was about 3. I remember well that the teenagers at church would dread having her in their teen-run Sunday night children's program. She was a smart kid, opinionated, and determined to have her own way. Now she's graduating from high school this year, and has a scholarship to Wazzu to major in engineering. I am not surprised. The "Cindy" I do not know; she's someone else at their church who is graduating with her master's in TESL. (Sorry the photo is yellow; the flash didn't fire because the batts are low.) By the way, burgundy makes frosting taste absolutely horrible. Word.

Another plus: I snapped this future blackmail photo of D. this evening. He was stomping around the house shouting "YUM YUM! EAT 'EM UP! YUM YUM! EAT 'EM UP~!" I have no idea why. Finally I took notice (remember marshmallows and Goliath: I haven't been doing much interactive parenting today)--- the dear boy had pulled a diaper around his neck and stuck a maxi pad over his eyes! I was laughing my head off - (squeaky-quiet)-- but the expression on A's face was a great sight to behold. He said tiredly: "Get that off your you KNOW what that is?" D's response: "A diaper!"
We didn't bother to enlighten him. Two different kinds of diapers, sure! Well, actually...
Wow, kudos on the cake! Do I know alex? i'm trying to place her...
Also, thanks for the diaper/maxi pad laugh! LOL
ROFL @ the "diapers"! Kids can be so funny!
Sorry your voice is gone...hope it comes back SOON!
I'm sure you do, Crystal...Alexandra's parents are Mel and Christy, her grandparents are Bob and the interests of 'net safety, I won't disclose last names but if you can't figure it out from there, I'll email you :)
maxipads on the windows, now there's something I haven't seen. yet!
Thanks all for the well wishes. Today I either sound like Mickey Mouse, or it's a whisper. Hot drinks help cut through the crud of whatever. I still think it's allergies.
so is her brother cameron? I remember him, but for some reason not her...
We have the stomache flu!
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