D and S were in a piano recital this afternoon! S played Halloween Boo by Melody Bober, and Ghosties in the Graveyard by one of the Noonas. S was in several recitals last year, so this is old stuff for her. She was poised and did beautifully. (I know, I'm so impartial, but it's really true.)
D, however, experienced his first recital today. He played Grasshoppers on Parade by Susan Ogilvy. I have been on his case all week to slow down, mind the staccatos, slow down, where are the dynamics, slow down, etc. but to no avail. And, the way you practice is the way you'll perform, right?
He was petrified going up there. Sober as an AA meeting. Bowed solemnly to the audience, then began. Perfect tempo, absolutely perfect staccatos, mindful of dynamics... was this the same piece--or the same child? D finished the song, took another solemn bow, walked with poise back to the pew where we were, and then collapsed, head on my lap. "I almost flunked the recital!!" he whispered to me.
Really? Could've fooled me!
Sometimes a little stage fright is a healthy thing to keep a presumably ADHD boy focused.
Oh, and here are some mummy cookies we made and brought for sharing afterwards:

You need some cutout cookie dough, a gingerbread man cutter, some white frosting, and basketweaving tip 48 (using the smooth, not serrated side). Then pipe on tip 3 eyes and mouth in chocolate frosting (I cheated by opening a can of Betty Crocker frosting) - voila!
For the record, I really stink at making cutout cookies. So it was good these were all wrapped in bandages so you couldn't see their deformities! lol
What a great day and great memories. Loved your cookies.
Ok I just love the cookies!
I've been meaning to ask, do you teach your kids piano too?
Great idea on the cookies!!!
Thanks all. The cookies were fun to make. Except for cutting them out. rgh!!
Crystal- I barter with Mimi--so I clean her house, she teaches them. I pay for my own lessons with her, but there's no way I can afford THREE people taking from her.
Rebecca- practice, practice, practice~! :O) I have students who do NOT like recitals but into them they must go (Yoda). I put them in the more "forgiving" holiday ones where you do not have to have music memorized.
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