Mrs. Blythe tagged me to do this fridge meme a couple days ago, only I'm a little bit behind on life right now! So here is my fridge, which I did not alter in any way except to straighten the detritus on there so it was more mondrian. (I've been reading too much lately!)
Only Blogger is stalling out on the photo part, so I'll edit it in later. In the meantime, you'll have to suffer through the blow-by-blow explanation of what's on the fridge, unless of course you do the sensible thing and skip this post entirely, as it will only be mindboggling dull. (I sound like Lemony Snicket, don't I? I've just finished all 13 books of his in the last week).
Okay, so for future reference (when I get the photo to upload,that is!)
- Dry-eraseable shopping list
- Family photo taken two years ago, where Costco's photo developing department gave my husband a lobotomy.
- Photo of Kevin and Tammy
- Photo of my brother-in-law and family (cool church web site, whoever made it.)
- An older photo of my son, when he still had his baby teeth. (Hey, where's my daughter's photo?)
- A Far Side cartoon: "Hey, everybody look at me! I'm a cowboy! Howdy, howdy, howdy!" This reminds me of my friend Wally. I think I might have even gotten it from him in high school, can't remember. In which case, it's almost 20 years old. (GACK. AM I THAT OLD?)
- Two postcards of the Spruce Goose purchased by my son when we went to the McMinnville, OR, Aviation Museum
- A year-old photo of Grandma K. and my two halflings
- A photo of fall color joined with a photo of Lora and Dave's wedding picture at the beach
- Kiddie art. Of course. Color wheel made solely by mixing the primary colors of red, blue and yellow.
- D's list of laws. This deserves its own post. He wrote this down one Sunday morning. It's rather interesting to see how the mind of this 9 year old boy works.
Finally! Just got photo to post.
And Mrs. Blythe-----all thirteen! Start to finish.
Thanks, Mrs Blythe!
As to whether the 13 books are good or not... yes and no. mixed bag. I will write a review of them soon. Mom-in-law bought the entire series for the kids when she was here so I've been previewing them.
Blogger, sigh. bad weekend for them! And Right now my computer is very unresponsive no matter what. I've already rebooted. Seems like it takes 3 or 4 clicks before it will finally do what I want it to. Just hangs up on me. WINDOWS, ugh.
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