The happy child herself. We selected a table far away from the madding crowds at Chuck E. Cheese's so my dear husband would be enticed to stay longer than he normally would. His tolerance for such places is rather low.

Difficult to get a regular photo of this child nowadays. This is a fairly typical pose for him. His definition of Chuck E's as a "kids casino" will definitely become part of the family repertoire.

You would not believe how long it took us to round up all the kids to get them back upstairs to even bother with cake! 20 tokens to play games takes a long time for inexperienced youngsters to get through. The luau cake came out rather nicely, I must say. Thanks to Jennifer for the use of her palm trees, hula guy/gal and fishies. Oh, and for you moms out there, the cake is ridiculously easy to make. Just bake a 9x13, toss on your favorite frosting, spray on some blue Color Mist (Wilton) for the ocean, and sprinkle cinnamon sugar for the beach part. I also threw on some white chocolate shells made in candy molds. Voila. Anybody can do it. I did!

A small, yet simple party, NOT at my home (woot), and happy, tired kids.
We drove in silence all the way home, and kept the TV off when we got there. Sensory overload. Especially since we knew that the following morning we would be off to THE FAIR! Photos later.
1 comment:
I read this and think, boy if we lived closer, L and A would be ditching us at CC as L's tolerance for large crowds is next to nil. K.C. recently had a birthday and I did my very first 'special' cake. Since I am still working on creating a Blog, I'm going to give you Karen's (sister-in-law). She's got some cute pictures of her kids as well as a party picture with miner hers, and some others. Hope you had a good time at the fair!
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