What good is it living in Washington State if you don't have a apple tree?! :) Here is my family, harvesting our first apple crop large enough to do something with! These are Zabergau Reinette apples, which I'll use to can apple pie filling. In the background is Jonafree, which is like Jonathan, but resistant to the various diseases that apples (and roses) are prone to.

"One....two...threeeee....JUMP!!" Only my darling boy DIDN"T jump, leaving S. and friend N. to get all wet. It's ok, he ended up in the lake later on. It was so quiet and CLEAN and lovely there at the lake, which is just 2 miles down the road from Jennifer's house. It's a private lake with a gate, so it's just wonderful.

Sam the Happy Cowgirl! She's riding "Rowdy," Miss Jennifer's new horse. Except Ashley INSISTS that she's now changed the horse's name to "Carter." (As if that name's any better?) As I led Rowdy around the pasture, he nibbled the back of my shirt! Bad horse! D. was rather sketchy about riding the horse; he's only been on pony rides, and that when he was 4 or so. Audra has pics of that, must remember to get them from her.
More to come! Still have to show you the nacho cheese wall.
Fun pics! It's apples season here, and I'm planning on making applesauce today!
So what's wrong with the name Carter? Although for a horse, I have to wonder. You know after looking through pages and pages of names, Loyd decided on Carter after receiving a socks at a babyshower. Now Carter has a LOT of clothes with his name in them. :-)
Goofriend, there's nothing wrong with the name "Carter" for a CHILD (ergo, no slam intended on your own firstborn!), but for a horse it's just pretentious.
It's like naming a horse Brittany or Ashley. The names just don't fit.
But this is just my humble opinion.
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