Math, math, math.
I've just endured three...THREE hours of tears, yelling, and frustration over 13 subtraction problems that require you to borrow from both the tens and the hundreds columns and regroup as ones and tens.
Just so you all know, and in the spirit of full disclosure: according to my son I am a tyrant who makes all this stuff up to torture children; a dictator who likes her own way; a person who will probably throw the block of cheese at her son if he gets the problems wrong; plus to top it all off I like to spank my children for no reason at all, just because I like it.
Enough about MY morning, how was yours??
How do those homeschooling moms do it? With eight kids all lined up like so many ducklings in a row, perfectly groomed, hand-sewn jumpers that all match, yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir,
I am NOT WORTHY. I cannot beat that. I can't even attain to it.
I know I've quit before but this time I mean it!
Probably. Maybe.
I need some personal regrouping time! I am drained and it's barely 1 in the afternoon. I have a very energetic, brilliant but foolish, OPINIONATED son and I thank God for his mind. JUst pray God will change his heart. I am not the Holy Spirit (reminding myself).
OKay. Making a cup of tea now. Kicking the family out of the house to go to the library.
For dinner tonight: Crock pot potato and ham soup. Nice to have at least one of my ducks in a row, even if school absolutely bit rocks today.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
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Well, hang in there. I don't home school my kids (too small still) but i already see there are days when my son just 'isn't himself.' He's more difficult and tests me and bargains like crazy. And I know this is just part of parenthood.
I think there is a new realization for me that we are going to be the bad guy often in this motherhood role. I hear myself saying mom-quisms that my own mother used to say, and I cringe, but it is exactly what needs to be said.
Hubby says that the toddler years are the 'draining' years, as in physical exhaustion. But the school age years are a completely different type of draining, huh?
LOL - you and i must have gone to the same Mommy training kids have shared those same sentiments regarding those kind of math problems!!
It will get better - it seems to all of a sudden click in their brains and then we don't seem so mean (until something else hard comes along.)
Thank you, Karen and Tami!
Some days are just hard, ya know!? And yeah, the toddler years are exhausting physically... but it morphs into mental and emotional exhaustion - trying to maintain control of your own spirit to be able to discipline your child when HIS spirit is out of line.
I thought I had already posted this but I guess I just "thought it"!
I wish you lived closer so I could give you a break and be "the math teacher" for a few weeks and you could play with the baby. We'd both get a break!
Crystal, you have no idea how many times I have wished the SAME THING. :) great minds.
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