Here's the end result of All That Daisy Making (A.A. Milne again~!). I would include a picture of Lora and myself, only the flash didn't go off, and we were by a window, hence, it was just too dark to see.
You don't really want to see me anyway! :) I'm still mostly annecognito after all. THE WEB is a DANGEROUS PLACE and one mustn't fling one's personal info around frivolously. ^_^
It's gorgeous! I should enlist your help when my kids' birthdays rolls around. With micah's allergy i have to make all the cakes!
TY Rebecca/Crystal!
No milk or whey for Micah, but gluten is ok, right?
I'm testing some cake recipes in hopes that they don't taste like absolute cack. We aren't having issues with milk like you are, but rather preservatives and artificial flavors, BHT, BHA, THBQ, etc.
The cake is lovely. I wish I could decorate cakes. =)
So it's ok to post your kids pictures, just not yours? ;-)
Thanks for the nice comments!
Tammy, it's an inconsistency, I know. I waffle on "NO INFORMATION" to "a bit here and there" and "aw, why not, nobody reads this but people I know, anyway!"
So it will probably be the middle of the road approach.
I still remember when somebody from our old youth group called us up, proceeded to tell us he knew we'd bought a house, how much we paid for it, how much our loan amount was, how much we paid in property taxes the previous year... it was spooky, how much is public record, and how much he knew!
So my credit card number is ...
Rebecca, I'll give you three guesses as to who would be persistent and quirky enough to go to that kind of trouble just to attempt to get a reaction!
(Talkin' about your g- g- generation...)
Right in one. His legend lives on.
as I was reading the original comment I thought, "its gotta be Jerry!" LOL! Who else has time or energy?
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