D. was in the middle of his afternoon potty break. This is usually a 20-30 minute affair, where he sits...and sits... and sits.... I don't know how much "business" is going on in there (9 year olds like their privacy), but I'm sure there's a fair bit of daydreaming that occurs while he's sitting.
I liken it to Grandpa and his Hut in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
Anyway, my daughter, becoming annoyed with D's long delay, stomped into the living room and announced:
"This is a good example of why you should chew your food."
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
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And she's right...how dare brothers spend so long in the bathrooms. Sisters of the world unite!
OH..hahahahaha...hahaha! Too, too funny!
Ok - This is the first time I've been here, and the first time I've heard of 'blogger'. So you'll just have to excuse my naivity(?) and probably spelling. I loved reading your pages and you have inspired me to do some reading - no more Fox Trot or Civil War books (Loyd actually reads the civil war books in the bathroom. I usually only glance through them as I'm not in there as much as the boys).
Speaking of which - Carter is in there time on end as well. I used to check to make sure he didn't fall in. Now I set a timer. I'm limited on time this morning but do NOT want to do any of my work so I thought I would take a moment to answer some 'well thought out questions'.
A. Four jobs/employers I have had in my life:
1. CSC (Life New Business Processor; Underwriter; Claims Examiner; Business Analysis; and Supervisor (just made Sr. Supervisor)
2. Bank - Don't remember all the names for that bank I worked for - I think it was bought 3 times.
3. William Pitt - love that jewelry.
4. I'm not sure I care to remember all the jobs before I graduated from college.
B) Four movies you could watch over and over:
1. Pride and Prejudice
2. Pirates of the Caribean
3. National Treasure
4. Chicken Little - "What were we talking about?"
C) Four places you have lived:
1. Greenville, SC
2. Santa Maria, CA
3. Japan
4. Italy (I only picked places that were 2+ years in a row)
D) Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. I am a Survivor fan.
2. Wheel of Fortune
3. Jeopardy
4. With school and Frontline picking back up (and all those reruns), we have given up on TV for a bit.
E) Four places you have been on vacation:
1. Dollywood (TN) - Wasn't so bad.
2. Holland - my absolute FAVE.
3. England - was too short.
4. I'm waiting for my kids to grow up a little more to enjoy any other vacations - I'm still spending waaaaaay too much time either in the bathroom or hotel room.
F) Websites you visit daily ( ok so maybe not every day! )
1. CSC Portal
2. Learning at CSC
3. Eview
4. STARS Is it pretty pathetic that they are all work related? Maybe if you ask again in a month I can put this blogger thing down.
G) Four of my favorite foods:
1. Don't care much for food since I had K.C. I eat only to be sustained.
H) Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Home with my kids
2. Home sleeping
3. Home with my kids.
4. Home sleeping
I) Four friends I think will respond:
1. Well since my friends were the ones that sent this to me, I can't imagine I'm going to forward this to anyone.
I hope you have a WONDERFUL DAY!!!
Did I forget to tell you that Diane left the anonymous note?
oooOoo too good not to move up to the main page! *YOINK*
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