I've had it with "Christian" internet forums.
Over the last week I've witnessed so many Christian men and women duking it out, drawing lines in the sand over vagaries, and in general behaving just as unbelievers do when they get in a scrap, that I cannot in good conscience link to a particular site anymore.
I will read the blog part, perhaps, but I'm vamoosing on the forums. I've read women's posts verbally attacking pastors on the forums (get in your place, girl!), younger men rebuking older men, and overall, people behaving as unsaved people do.
It is dismaying, sickening, and just plain wrong.
And I have many more profitable things I should be doing with my time. Farewell.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
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I got rather addicted reading an ongoing argument about contemporary Christian music on a forum. I got quite cross about the whole affair because some of the comments got a little unChristianlike and personal, but amazingly for me, I managed to stop myself commenting in my anger.
I do avoid these forums now, my dearest hubby has also banned me from ranting on my blog...doh!
I feel so fortunate I haven't linked on to any forums that are needlessly negative. I read blogs and comment on them once in awhile. I read to get uplifted or to uplift. I don't feel qualified except by age to venture too much.
oh no, Sarah can't rant? :( What's a blog for, anyway?! lol
Joyce, me too. But please don't hold back, DO share. I know I could use your wisdom! :) What I was observing on the forum was college-age kids (yeah, sad, they're "kids" to me now) - talking snotty to men I know to be pastors and in their late 40s-50s. Where's the biblical precedent to honor the elders? It's difficult to do on internet forums....everyone is "fair game." I don't have a solution for this, because it's so easy to lie on the 'Net, so I'm just withdrawing from it until something better comes along.
lol, well maybe only when he's not looking ;)
I know what you mean. On the internet people just lose their inhibitions and say things they would *never* say face-to-face. (well, hardly ever)
I don't know if it's still in existence any longer, but there used to be a forum with different sections for a whole bunch of different Christian colleges. Instead of a way for college alumni to stay in contact, it was a way for disgruntled students (past and present) to bash their college, the faculty, the church related to the college, etc. I knew of it, and read a few posts a few times, but the accusations were just awful that were being slung around. People think that an anonymous name can hide them, and they can say anything they wish, with no accountability. It's sad that they call themselves Christians!
Oh Tammy, I found that site too. It was nauseating and wicked. NO other word for it. Shameful.
It's amazing what a cloak of anonymity can do...brings out the true self.
Wasn't it D.L. Moody who said "Character is who you are in the dark" ?
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