I'm so glad I don't have a commute to work any longer! Though if I were working my former job, I would have had today off anyway. (Teacher, and all that).
So here is the great blizzard of 2006 in Puyallup. Observe the vast quantities of snow....literally an inch or so! (sarcasm font used here)....

These photos were taken in the early hours of the morning.... amazing how the kids woke up so eagerly!

You've got SNOW!!!!! How fun!!! I am in Georgia and an inch of snow is a big deal!! LOL!!! I would LOVE to experience REAL snow!!
Mrs. U
(and I am definitely enjoying my chai tea, thank you!!!)
Wow, lots of snow. I am not envious in the slightest bit. LOL I'm enjoying my nice warm weather here. Today's high was somewhere in the 60's! Woohoo for us! (But it's not going to last long...I hear that snow is coming our way sometime tomorrow!)
Yey for the snow! :) I want it to snow now! [said in whiney voice]
Mrs U, I remember getting some in Greenville, SC - Georgia's not THAT far off!! Don't you get a bit of white stuff every 4-5 years or so? :)
An inch of snow is a big deal here too. School was cancelled for two days! :) It's all gone now-- back to regular old Seattle rain!
Tammy - my MIL says she's expecting 3-6" --so no doubt you'll get some lake effect snow and see much more! :)
Mrs blythe - I've always heard Seattle's climate is similar to England's - so maybe you'll get a flake or two!
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