Mrs. Blythe hit me with this one, and I didn't remember until just now. :)
3 Things That Scare Me:
1. Spiders
2. Hairballs
3. Drowning (the whole idea of suffocation)
3 People That Make Me Laugh:
1. My husband
2. My kids
3. Monk (from the TV Show. I know, he's not a "real" person, but there it is)
3 Things I Love:
1. Rainy days, an afghan, a book, a mug of coffee and no time committments. This is ONE thing. :)
2. The smell of freshly mowed grass
3. Strawberries and cream
3 Things I Hate:
1. People interrupting me while I'm playing the piano
2. People misunderstanding me
3. Sales calls
3 Things I Don't Understand:
1. Sewing
2. Advanced mathematics
3. The affinity for rap music
3 Things On My Desk:
1. Godzilla: Pack of Destruction box (this belongs to my son)
2. A flyer for MegaBloks "Dragons: Metal Ages" (this is something my son wants)
3. A bottle of cough suppressant left over from when A. was as sick as a dog back in Mar/Apr.
3 Things I'm Doing Right Now:
1. Listening to my son practice piano ("Iroquois Lullaby")
2. Listening to my daughter play Pajama Sam on her computer
3. Baking a blueberry pie with the blueberries taken from our bushes :)
3 Things I Want to Do Before I Die:
(whoa, like heavy, dude)
1. Visit Europe. Specifically the British Isles.
2. Learn to play a stringed instrument. Cello or guitar.
3. Write.
3 Things I Can Do:
1. erm... ooh, here's one: I read reallyfast. Shockingly fast. Like, "I can't believe you finished that already?!" fast. UNLESS it is nonfiction. Or Moby Dick (LOL)
2. Cook
3. Sing like Aretha Franklin. well, I try.
3 Ways to Describe My Personality:
1. Loyal
2. A bit spacey. But I really do have a few brains here.
3. Friendly. Golden retriever-type.
3 Things I Can't Do:
1. Sew
2. Make my checkbook register match my bank statement. That's why there's Microsoft Money.
3. Lie and get away with it.
3 Things I Think You Should Listen To:
1. God, as revealed in the Word
2. Bach. as in, the dad. Johann Sebastian.
3. Barry Manilow. JUST kidding! (That was for Mrs. Blythe's benefit)
3 Things I Think You Should Never Listen To:
1. Yourself, when you are feeling down.
2. Anyone who advises you to live contrary to God's revealed Word.
3. Enya. (Ye gods, does her music EVER sound different?)
3 Absolute Favorite Foods:
1. Mexican food. All kinds. Carnitas especially!
2. Strawberries. Chandler variety grown in coastal California.
3. Popcorn
3 Things I'd Like to Learn:
1. To understand the ins and outs of how to manage finances/invest/save! But I'd like to learn it by osmosis, rather than expend any effort.
2. To speak Spanish fluently
3. To play Baroque music well. ugh. so fussy.
Beverages I Drink Regularly:
1. Water
2. Coffee
3. Iced Tea
3 Shows I Watched as a Kid:
1. Wonder Woman
2. Laverne and Shirley
3. Dukes of Hazzard
Thursday, July 13, 2006
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1 comment:
Strawberries are one of my favorite things...dare I say THE favorite thing to eat? mmm, I could probably live on strawberries and popcorn.
Central coast strawberries are wonderful.
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