This kind of weather only happens between 14 and 21 days a summer here, so why am I complaining so much?
I just checked the thermostat inside the house....it's currently 10 pm and the needle is still pinned at 90ยบ - the highest it registers.
We spent a luscious time this afternoon in the kids' 9 foot round kiddie pool, after we'd gotten back from grocery shopping in air-conditioned stores like Trader Joes, Great Harvest Bread Company, and Costco.
Now I'm contemplating dragging the sofa and TV to the back porch, where it's only 85 degrees, so we can watch Monk in the (relatively) COOL evening.
Another two days of this, then back to 80 degrees. And Lord, haste the day! :)
Hanging out at my parents' in Sacramento...needle registering 110-114. Wow. I grew up in this. It's hot, and has been for several days. I hear we're going for a record: days in a row over 100 -or something like that.
Yeah, I remember we'd go to summer camp in the Mojave Desert (Shout out for Ironwood Christian Camp! WoOT) every year where it was like that...we'd wilt the first day, then perk up afterwards because it was dry heat and we'd gotten used to it.
Sacramento has dry heat too, doesn't it?
I find that I'm not so bad off today (Saturday), though I am rather sluggish. And it's not 98 either :)---only 96! lol.
I'm not moving much, that's for sure. Washingtonians, by and large, do not have air conditioners in their homes, since we'd only use them two weeks out of every year.
LOL as I read over my last comment, it sounds like I just totally dismissed your 110-114 degree heat, and I didn't mean it to soound that way at all!!
I am sorry!
I wouldn't want to be in 114 degree weather, that's for sure.
Hey, I went to Camp Ironwood! Three summers in a row...1990 to 1993. :D
Sacramento weather is just yucky in the summer. It's not humid like here in Michigan, but it does get humid, so combined with the high temps...yuck! We lived just north of Sacramento for one year.
Hope the weather cools down for you soon!
WOOT Tammy! I grew up there~!(virtually) We started going there in 1977, way back when Walt Brock was first getting the thing started.
I bet when you were there, you were probably a happy camper. :) Of course this is while I was in college/entering married life. Did you ever know/meet Sam Brock and his wife Cindy? (Sam's my generation of camper).
I grew up thinking Sacramento wasn't humid (people say things like "well, at least it's dry heat" - as if anything can compensate for 105+weather), and it is when you compare it to the world at large - but when you move to the mountains above Bishop (high desert, near the Mojave Desert), you begin to think that Sac might have more humidity than you originally beleived...AND, as luck would have it, it's not only insufferably hot, but quite muggy this week. Gross.
I will say this, after being in El Salvador and Florida at this time of year (where it is EXTREMELY humid), I would choose to be in Sacramento rather than those places.
Or I could just go home to the Central Coast where heat isn't a factor.
And at least Sacramentans have A/C, because 90+ degrees is terribly hot without A/C.
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