Is it just me, or has the Big Orange B been rather beastly today? I've tried to leave comments on various esteemed persons' blogs and no dice.
Probably a good thing. I need to read more and talk less.
The forecast was for 83 and sunny today. Let's hear it for! They were OFF BY TEN DEGREES.
I had to go soak my head in the pool to lower my body temperature. The house thermostat tells me it's 88 inside the house. The butter was left out, and it turned into a puddle on its plate. We continue to use the grill for all food that needs to be cooked. "You want what for breakfast, honey? Eggs? You like them raw, I hope?"
Made beef shish-kebabs for dinner. Now that was good. The potatoes I skewered/grilled were more on the cajun side of doneness (i.e., blackened), but everyone still ate them. We finished off the meal with... ice cream of course! I have lots of ice cream. I think next time I'll halve the recipe.
It was so stinking hot Sunday that the evening church service was canceled. (The building has no air conditioning and gets rather like an oven with their westward-facing windows). So my plans to dispose of all that extra ice cream into the Sunday Night Faithful came to naught.
As I was link-hopping earlier today from Mounty' s Corner, I stumbled across something that forcibly reminded me of Ancient Krell music. (If you don't know what that is, your science fiction knowledge base is sadly lacking. Start by renting Forbidden Planet). It was rather mesmerising. I post the link here for your edification and enjoyment. And A-musement. Actually, it's not accurate to say I was a-mused, because I was indeed musing about tones, waves and scalar patterns, and just staring at the dots. :) It's the Whitney Music Box. Go ahead, click on some of the other tones he's incorporated.
I think I should get the halflings to bed. What is it about summer? My routines are all out of whack, and so am I. I'm used to getting up before everyone else, starting the coffee and a load of laundry, then settling down into the big green La-Z-Girl rocker/recliner to read and study James and Proverbs. (Then do a sudoku or two...).
Instead, lately it's been roll out of bed, shake head in disbelief at the time, go start coffee and (perhaps) laundry - wake up kids, filter and chlorine treat the pool, feed the kids, drive them to swimming lessons......
....then sit in the bleachers or the car working on my piano studio business. Now how messed up is that? Here I have a God-given break of 30 minutes that I'm using to work on other things.
So, I must drag myself away from this computer (though there is a fan right next to me comforting me :) ) and toss these kids into bed! With all possible dispatch!
Monday, July 24, 2006
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You should come to the lake with us one day! What're you doing fri?
And yes, I had the same frustration with blogger and comments. =(
Ahhh, that sounds lovely! But we've already planned an expedition to Pack Forest on Friday so A and D can go critter hunting. S and I get to go along for the ride or carry food/water, apparently :) (I should see if there's any letterboxes there!!)
So I'll rain-check on that lake trip for this time. What lake do you like to go to?
I like to go to Lake Sammamish because Vasa Park is about 5 min from our house on side streets. It is also more shallow than Lake Washington so it warms up quicker. WE went on monday to Lake Sammamish Beach park and the water was at least 80. nice!
We also go to Luther Burbank on Mercer Island on occasion because I like the beach there . ITs small and easier to contain a 3 year old.
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