Well, Tammy tagged me to do this meme, my first ever! :) BTW, a "meme," paraphrased from Wikipedia, is a replicated bit of cultural information. Memes on the internet are replicated by the power of hitting "send" or "publish." There, more than you ever wanted to know.
So, here goes. I have to change it at the end, because I don't have five blog friends! lol well at least not that I know well enough to "tag" them.
5 Things in my Refrigerator:
1. Rice Dream Horchata
2. Colby-Jack cheese slices
3. Trader Joe's Chocolate Soy Milk
4. Tortillas
5. Butter
5 Things in My Closet:
1. Wrapping paper
2. Calvin & Hobbes comic books
3. Suitcases
4. Bed linens
5. My clothes =)
5 Things in My Purse:
1. 2 pens
2. My checkbook
3. 2 Handi-wipes I saved from Famous Dave's
4. My wallet
5. Debit-card receipts that I need to write into my checkbook! evil, evil. sigh.
5 Things in My Car:
1. A sack of concrete
2. Beach towel
3. Expandable cooler for keeping groceries cold
4. 5-gallon bucket
5. Vegetable seeds
3 People I am Tagging: (but only if they want to!! I don't want to be a Meme Nazi.)
1. Crystal
2. Mrs. Blythe
3. Joysnatcher
Ciao! Off to have a cooking, cleaning, get-ready-for-a-party-tomorrow frenzy! :) it will be fun.
Monday, July 03, 2006
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That Rice Dream horchata sounds very good! Horchata is one of my favorite drinks!
Rebecca--sure! We hide them so D. can't find them. He draws inspiration from Calvin which we would wish to discourage.
Tammy--I bought it yesterday, and now it's gone. Do you have a recipe?
Mrs.Blythe-- yes, remember the "fencing" !! Have to sink the posts in concrete, or they will tip over!
And don't let Blogger give you any reet gip! LOL
Mary (not Martha)(I love your handle!)--you know how it is, when you go grocery shopping w/kids along, it takes 3x as long, so I have a cooler to keep all the dairy, etc. cold until I can get home and put it away! Especially if I have to do my shopping at more than one store
I do have a recipe! I even posted it on my blog a while back--
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