I must confess that at first, I was not pleased with the idea of all the chores and things I needed to do that would be left undone by my going on this trip.
However, dooty calls, ma'am! So, resolving within myself that if I could'nt be pleasant, I'd be as pleasant as I could, I discovered to my surprise that I was actually enjoying myself.
We drove into the forest a ways until we found the trail that leads down to a waterfall. After hiking for about 5 minutes, I realized exactly where we were. Except I'd never come to the waterfall by this direction before! All the previous times I've been to this waterfall,

Today we picnicked in the shade at the foot of the falls whilst D and S found crayfish, sculpin (a tiny fish), and various other critters. I believe we provided a few horseflies with their own lunch as well! Then we hiked back up to the top of the falls, and back down around to a lake where there's red-legged frogs. I decided to march up the trail a way while the family filed down to the pond, and wouldn't you know it, I was the one who found a frog! We caught it, looked at it, then let him go in the pond. This is what he looked like (but I didn't take this photo):

5 minutes later, D re-caught the same frog, and was attempting to secret it in his backpack for a take-home treasure, but we... dissuaded him from doing so.
It was a lovely day for hiking, but tiresome for the shortest one in our family (which isn't saying much, she's a tall drink of water for a 7 year old). We timed our trip so that we could take the kids to their karate class on the way back in to town.
And now I'm parched with thirst! I drank plenty of water on the trip, so it must be that hoagy sandwich I ate for dinner. Or maybe the garlic-stuffed green olives I put in the Greek salad! :) I have to thank Lavonne for my acquired taste for garlic green olives. She brought them with her to our house for Thanksgiving dinner one year, and I have had a hankering after them ever since.
Off to the watering hole I go!
Sounds like you had a nice time. But, why oh why couldn't the froggie have come home with you?
Rebecca, I'm sure you do know where this is.
Tammy, several reasons why froggie needed to stay put: 1) there's an amphibian shortage in WA (really!) 2) Number One Son will likely be getting a snake in October, and most importantly 3) We have a turtle that, in the past, has demonstrated a fondness for frog legs. :( Most traumatic!
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