Let me be clear: I am not against personal privacy. It's only reasonable to guard your personal information zealously. I don't even have a problem with anonymous posters dropping by and leaving their two cents *coughRichardcough*.
What I do have a problem with is those persons who, under the cloak of the "Anonymous" label, decide to flame, harass, and otherwise be just plain stinky to those with whom they disagree. If your opinion on a matter is different from mine, great. Tell me. But be polite. You draw more bees with honey than you do vinegar, anyway. Take some classes in persuasive speech and see if I'm right.
If you don't like something I do, or something I believe, fine! You may tell me, respectfully. And I may ignore you, also respectfully. To my own Master (my Lord Christ) I stand or fall. Not you, nor your opinion of me. I have done away with slavery to fallible (wo)man's opinions.
You do not have to be a sheep bleating your approval to me. You are allowed to disagree, and should. But man up/woman up/alien up (jk) and take ownership of your comments if you do.
I post this as a preventive measure, rather than a reactive one. I've just witnessed a troll on another blog make ad hominem, denigrating comments to the blog author under the cowardly flag of "anonymous." Any such behavior here to me or my four readers will not be tolerated.
So, enjoy your visit here at and so it goes...
.....and don't feed the trolls.
1 comment:
Preach it!=)
On a related note... sometimes I struggle with what to disclose on my blog. Its hard because you never know who is reading. At a MS blogger convention (for tech geeks) the organizer was talking to Aaron and told him he found my blog! He found his name on my blog because of that post where I discussed Aaron's quote in the news. (I don't want to type his name again lest your blog come up on his radar too) I don't mind this person reading my blog....just surprised.
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